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Methylene Blue Solution - USP Grade
  • Methylene Blue Solution - USP Grade

    SKU: 364215375135191

    Low dose Methylene Blue supplementation provides memory enhancing effects in animals and humans.

    It works as an antidepressant, delays aging, and helps treat dementia, Huntington's and Alzheimer's diseases.

    Methylene Blue improves low blood pressure, improves cognition in healthy people, increases mitochondrial function, is antimicrobial, may help eliminate fear and even slow skin aging.


    Contains 20 ML/ 100 MG mb.

    Contains 30 ML / 150 mg.

    • Methylene blue:

      -Supports NAD levels.

      -It is an effective nootropic. (increasing focus, motivation, attention and dopamine) -It shows anti-serotonin effects in low doses.

      -It improves mood and supports emotional state.

      -It is a good pre-workout and physical performance supporter. -It shows antidepressant effects. Methylene Blue is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). It inhibits MAO-A more than MAO-B, but at high doses it inhibits both.

      -Can improve memory.

      Unlike other nootropics, which generally work by increasing neurotransmitter synthesis and nerve signals, MB improves memory by increasing brain cell respiration.

    ₺450.00 Regular Price
    225,00₺Sale Price
    VAT Included |

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